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Mother and daughter

How to Care for Someone With Dementia

June 2023

Caring for someone with dementia can be challenging. That’s because dementia doesn’t just lead people to be forgetful. They may also have trouble with speaking,…

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Activities for arthritis

How to Stay Active With Arthritis

May 2023

Arthritis pain can cause you to move less because the pain in your joints may increase when you start moving. But being stationary isn’t a…

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Family speaking with each other on the couch

Mental Health and Teens: What You Need to Know

May 2023

You may think your teen's mental health is okay, but some teens with mental health issues may be struggling silently, unsure of how to reach…

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Medical appointment

How to Manage Medical Appointment Anxiety

May 2023

Seeing your doctor for regular checkups or when you're sick is part of staying healthy, but for some people, medical appointments — even regular checkups…

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Checking prescription expiry

Why You Should Get Rid of Leftover Medication

April 2023

Take a look at your medicine cabinet — or any place you store your medications and supplements. You probably have at least one medication or…

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Consulting with a doctor

5 Ways Stress Affects Your Health

April 2023

Feeling stress every now and then is normal. It is your body’s way of responding to difficult events, such as getting fired, giving a speech,…

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