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A father and young son having a conversation

Beating Back-to-School Anxiety

June 2017

The transition into a new school year can be a time of excitement —and stress. Children and teens can become anxious, irritable or depressed by…

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A person shoveling snow

Exercising and Outdoor Chores: Stay Safe During Extreme Cold

May 2017

While we all want to stay healthy with regular outdoor exercise, and many of us do outdoor chores, it just makes sense to take extra…

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A person doing laundry at home

Here’s Help for Controlling Asthma Triggers

May 2017

Asthma triggers are things in your environment, both inside your home and outdoors, that can make your asthma worse. Asthma triggers range from dust mites…

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Young woman playing with her dog in backyard

Flavoring Pet Medicines

May 2017

How many times have you given your cat a pill and thought she swallowed it, only to find the capsule on the floor a few…

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A stethoscope and pills

Statins and Diabetes Risk

May 2017

If you're one of the millions of Americans who take statins to prevent heart disease, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has important safety…

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A doctor examining melanoma using dermatoscope

Skin Cancers: They're Not All Alike

April 2017

Skin cancers are named for the type of cells that become malignant (cancer). The three most common types are: Melanoma: Melanoma begins in melanocytes (pigment…

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