Children’s Health Articles

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Taking child's temperature

Does My Child Need an Antibiotic?

August 2022

When your child has an infection, it’s natural to wonder if they might need an antibiotic. But antibiotics only work for bacterial infections. If your…

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A child in her classroom

5 Ways to Keep Your Child Healthy When They Head Back to School

August 2022

It's late August, and that means your child is excited (and maybe a little nervous) about heading back to school. The return to school can…

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Sleeping kid

How Well Is Your Child Sleeping?

August 2021

Safeguarding their sleep is one of the most important things you can do to protect your child's mental and physical health. Once children start going…

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A child getting her medicine

Quick Tips for Giving Your Child OTC Medications

August 2021

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications are handy when your child is sick. But it’s not uncommon to make mistakes with pediatric dosing. Follow these quick tips the…

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A child getting ready to have cough syrup

Top Tips for Encouraging Kids to Take Their Medicine

August 2020

Trying to encourage your child to take medicine can be a daunting task. Between bitter liquids and chalky chewables, it’s easy to see why medicine…

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Daycare room with children's belongings

A Good Start: How to Help Your Child Stay Healthy in Daycare

August 2020

More than 12 million children under the age of 5 are in some form of child care. Many are enrolled in daycare centers, where they…

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