Heart Health & Stroke Articles

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runner woman with heart rate monitor running on beach

Here’s to Your Healthy Heart!

August 2018

There is much you can do to help prevent heart disease and stroke. These tips can help: Keep your blood glucose under control. You can…

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athlete in blue cap swimming in pool

Let’s Get Fit! Strengthen Your Heart in Just Minutes a Day

July 2018

Heart disease is America’s Number 1 killer. To improve overall heart health, the American Heart Association suggests: At least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity at least five…

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A runner's legs and feet while running outdoors

Strengthen Your Heart - and Improve Your Life - in Just 30 Minutes per Day

January 2017

It is hard to imagine a single practice with more health benefits than regular physical activity. To get benefits, you don’t have to run a…

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