When Your Child is Diagnosed: Questions For Your Healthcare Team

November 2016

Parents of children with diabetes often have concerns about the disease, its impact on their family and how to keep their child safe and healthy. Use these questions to talk with your child’s healthcare team and learn about his diabetes-care needs:

  • Which type of diabetes does our child have?
  • Will it ever go away?
  • Will my child with type 1 diabetes always have to take insulin?
  • How can we help our child manage her diabetes?
  • How often will our child need to visit the doctor?
  • What role does each person in the healthcare team play in my child’s care? How do we contact them?
  • How can we help our child check her blood glucose, take insulin or other medication, eat healthy foods and be more active?
  • How can my child learn about diabetes in an age-appropriate way?
  • Who can help us learn to work together as a family to help our child?
  • Will diabetes affect how our child behaves?
  • At what age do we begin letting our child manage his own diabetes care?
  • How can we find help in paying for diabetes care?

Source: National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

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