Katy Medical Complex PharmacyKaty, Texas

"They are our patients. They are our customers. They are our friends.

March 1, 2020

How many years has Katy Medical Complex Pharmacy been in business?

Katy Medical Complex Pharmacy has been in business for 14 years.

What has been the most significant change within your pharmacy over the past 5 years? 

Our biggest change over the past 5 years was opening our long-term care pharmacy to better serve our assisted living patients.

What are your favorite ways to get involved with your community?

We love to have luncheons with local medical providers and provide vaccinations, flu and strep screenings and patient education with local medical providers.

How do your patients and community shape your offerings?

We want to meet the needs of our neighbors in nearby communities, whether that involves going to an assisted living facility and giving vaccinations or attending hormone education classes at a local provider’s office to meet new patients. Whatever our patients need, we do our best to provide.

What keeps your patients coming back?

Our customer service! There are pharmacies on every corner in our community. We try to go the extra mile so that our patients don’t mind driving a little further to come to our pharmacy. We always greet our patients with a smile, provide short wait times and build relationships with them. We really do care about our customers.

What do you think your patients love most about your pharmacy?

Fast, friendly and consistent service. They know they can trust us to give them the advice and guidance they need concerning their healthcare and that we will always take the time to talk to them and make sure their needs are met.

What does Locally Loved mean to you?

Sincerity and caring for our patients. They are our patients. They are our customers. They are our friends.

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