Yes You CAN Fit Exercise Into Your Day

April 2017

To get the most out of physical activity, it needs to be a regular part of your life. Here are some tips to help you put exercise and other physical activity at the top of your “to do” list every day:

  • Make it a priority. Remember that being active is one of the most important things you can do each day to maintain and improve health.
  • Try being active first thing in the morning before you get too busy. Make it easy. You are more likely to exercise if it’s a convenient part of your day.
  • Walk the entire mall or every aisle of the grocery store when you go shopping.
  • Join a gym that’s close to your home and easy to get to.
  • Take one or more flights of stairs up and two down.
  • Make it social. Many people agree that an “exercise buddy” keeps them going. Take a walk during lunch with coworkers.
  • Try a dance class – salsa, tango, square dancing – it’s up to you. Make it fun.
  • Do things you enjoy, but pick up the pace a bit. If you love the outdoors, try biking or hiking. Listen to music while you garden or wash the car.
  • Choose to be active in many places and in many ways. Get off the bus one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Do toe-stands while brushing your teeth. Dance with your kids. Make it happen!

Source: National Institutes of Health

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